mardi 23 septembre 2014

Better than Infography, Batography

Ok, let's write a bit about Batman. This chart shows different figures related to the Christophers Nolan's "Batman Begins" and "The Dark Knight".
On the left we can see the evolution of the Batman's logo between 1940 and 2009.
At the beginning of the chart, we can see a bar chart about how many times the dark knight appears. As we can read Batman is mainly represented in vide games.
After that, there's the evolution of the weight of Christian Bale which decreased on about 80 pounds between the shooting of "The Machinist" and "Batman Begins". This 2 movies were shooting almost at the same time.
About shooting, there's a map too which spots the different place were the movies were shot.
For the first Nolan's Batman movie, the budget was 150 millions dollars and 185 millions for the second one but we can the rentability got more than double and the gains get multiplied by 3! "The Dark Knight" brang 1 billions dollars.
More budget means more entertainment, that's why we got 39 vehicules crashed in "The Dark Knight" and only 1 tube for "Batman Begins". But there's not explication for the rise of the deaths...
Hope you've learnt a bit about Batman movies, and one advice before ending, go check the movie from 1966 with Adam West.
See ya!

mardi 16 septembre 2014

Gaspard Noé changed my life

I've got many hobbies like comics, video games, mangas, hardstyle... But only one of this is a true passion. This topic is all about Cinema.
Thanks to my dad since I'm a child, I usually watch lot of movies. I grew up with Terminator, Ninja Turtles, Batman or Scorese's movies.
I spent a lot of time too to read his Premiere movie sheet.
I also remember my first movie at theatre, it was The Lion King and I was only 2 or 3...
I guess since this moment I fell in love of cinema.

I think at the beginning watching movies was just a way to entertainment me.
But one movie changed everything for me.
This movie calls "Irreversible" directed by Gaspard Noé and main characters are played by Vincet Cassel and Monica Belluci.
As far I remember I was 17 when I watch it and I know after watching it I felt something I never feel after watching movies.
The feeling was a melt of lot of things: angry, hypnotize, sad, fascinated... Since "Irreversible" I consider cinema as the perfect art because it's a merge of all arts.
This movies made me opend-minded about cinema and now I love watching all kind of movies, experiment different kind of watchings, try movies from another countries. Everybody has to watch korean movie by the way! "Old Boy" or "I saw the devil" are master piece.

I love understand movies too, understand why this scene give me shivers, why this one make me sad, why the director chose this particular way to film this scene, etc...

Recently I started to write criticze, unless I'm trying to. You can go to, user Masona if someone is interested in.
Lot of useless just to say I love cinema, for me watching movies is always special!
Thank for reading

mardi 9 septembre 2014

About me

I'm Thomas and I'm 22. I live in Lesquin with my girlfriend. I've got 1 little borther, he's 10 years younger than me and my parents are still married (enough unsual to be noticed!).

About my work

I'm going to study for the next 2 years at the IMMD Lille.
Before that I did a DUT TC and a Licence Pro, both of this formation were sandwich course.
I worked for a SMB company for 2 years and for the brand Bizzbee (go to this link if you want to know nore about my work there -> , I'm the blue one).
So I'm gonna work for Expertime based at Euratechnologie in Lille.

About  me, my hobby

I'm a cinema lover, a hugh fan of all kind of movies, I watch a lot and enjoy understand which elements make this movie better than an other one. I also write review on public topic (, my username is masona59350 if someone wants to check.

I read comics mainly Batman and lot of mangas when I was younger.

I really like sports too, I play Volleyball and Soccer, I support LOSC and Chelsea by the way.

I play to video games, unfortetunately a bit less this time due to a lack of free time.
I also appreciate alcohol (pride to write this in a homework), I mean make degustation and this kind of stuff, mainly Whisky, Beers and Rhum.
I love traveling too, I'm still a beginner but I want to discover lot of countrines (Japan and South Africa I hope so).

About my friends

I like hanging out with my friends, drink beers at home, at the bar or at the satdium.
With some friends and one of my cousin we love electronic music event and it became usual driving to the Netherlands or Belgium 4 or 5 times per year.

I think I have nothing more to write! See ya!